Fiction & Poetry
Categoryimpaled eyes, abused
burrowing into the head of hair
you follow into the brain,
How Ethics Did and Did Not Evolve
I’m sure you’re familiar with Koko the gorilla, but there are plenty more lesser-known gorillas that can understand sign language.
An Unkindness of Ravens / Johnny Joinville
When I see the woman power-walking down the center of the jogging path
In neon-pink cushioned athletic shoes, every step
Desires and Drives
Waste time. Waste time.
Descartes / Jingles
Another cold day. Snowing. Another etch for the prolonged winter.
Dancing Pestilence
Moved out to the north edge of the city, the house was too big—rooms vast and multitudinous, mother said it were to do with prices, and the area, how we got such a big place
Untitled #26 – #29
madness maelstrom who rat kink.
3 Poems
I never knew his name
I just knew that his father
beat him and his mother
every single day for 16 years
Suicide Diary of Princess and the Mudfish
There is always the mutt, her sword, the noble, and his castle.
The birthday present that eats hands
This gorgeous moleskin, it is turning my prose to pedestrian garbage.