What about Wu Tang?
What about Wu Tang?
I think eight people attended. The following week, we tabled, hit offices with flyers, had a meeting. Every semester brings its finale and this struggle continues. Momentum rises and falls. We’re steaming here.
I met Tumino. The Daily Post published an article about a department running a sex-drug ring. He overheard us talking and commented, “It’s unbelievable.” He looked up the article online. I started to go to WIDE meetings. Tumino came to one. WIDE was in the midst of organizing a conference, originally laid-out by Sandor.
Sandor heard that the locale banned outside literature. It was asked what was meant by literature and they said any politics. Sandor took this as a “a commie-ban” and pushed for a change. The majority did not want to change and agreed to remain via a vote but Sandor presented a leftist’s wet dream. It called to not accept any location that had rules of censorship. I said, “This problem isn’t real. I’m sure the day of the conference you can have your rags and no one will say anything.”
Sandor emailed me, sharing a long letter talking the shit he talked about anything. I wished him luck on organizing for the same cause.
I got an email from Tumino. He hardly tabled anymore and when he agreed to flyer, if he didn’t cancel, he bailed-out early. But he did have time for news about a “commie-ban.” I told him we’d already moved on. He reblogged Sandork’s diatribe.
Cock Sparrer sang, “You get your press with a pocketful of lies.”
Wu-Tang sang, “My peoples, are you with me, where you at? In the front, in the back, killa-bees on attack.”
Tumino jumped in bed with Sandork. Tumino never wrote an analysis of the Wu-Tang Clan but a serious accusation and misrepresentation of what happened as an editorial. Tumino ate tacos at Calexico instead of la Norteña.