Humans are pretty good.
The Shining Tower of Happy Love
The Shining Tower of Happy Love, also known as “Olgaeb’s Tower,” is a Tower of Babel-like structure that rises from the Wilted Jungle and extends upwards into Heaven, winding its w
How I Created a World (And Why I Regret It), Part II
Thoughts on Melkrin, Heaven and The Meta (TLDR: Yuck)
I’m not one to rest on the seventh day, not really. Or the eighth or the ninth or the tenth. It’s mostly one weird, detac
How I Created a World (And Why I Regret It), Part I
Today we have a guest post about CONWORLDING by The Assembler. This is the first in what will be a series about miserable worldbuilding. Enjoy. -rudy
Yes, I’m Done Creating Co