Tag5 Poems
A bona-fide presidential candidate visited our pueblo
many years ago
Tonight You’re Fighting A Bear
“You’re in for it, son,” they told me.
Kurt Cobain is Alive, and Homeless in New York.
Despite Greta saying the pain would go away, the hole was still hurting after several weeks, but he’d forgotten how many.
Jimmy used to visit the airport once a week to watch the planes take off.
He had turned into a cat sometime in the night.
The 405 Girl
Imagine picking up a homeless person and taking them home.
Pill Box
hospital mortality rates stay the same or decline when hospital employees go on strike. did you know that?
Some of us are just made wrong / Terri’s Side of Town
I’m grinding the teeth of my heart tonight
behind a Walmart
Transport / Slumped
The waiting crowd performs the little shuffle forth and back from the platform’s edge, taking turns to observe for any sign of the train’s arrival, passing and repassing one another in a sort of dance.
The Trickle-Down Effect
The cloud from Danielle’s vape enveloped the inside of her car like a Saharan sandstorm.