fairy tale
TagThe Temptation of the King’s Daughter
I climbed up the ladder inside my cell every day to the little square opening high above.
Sneaky Lead Paint Baby
Once upon a time, there was a little baby who lived in a small shack in a big city.
18/12 / massacre
comparable to
the Illiad, your constant
affection was the
root cause of my destruction
Private Joke
Within the first hour of our “holiday” in Wales my bulky drill sergeant Gerhard and his ample wife Hine-Ert began trying to rebalance social scales.
A fairy lives next door, and she shoots meth between her toes.
Maddy wanted to show her something. Maddy’s house had a big
old forest behind it.
Back to Normal
I don’t know what this Thing is that lives in my stomach and that demands something from me and that Will Not Shut Up.
The Advance of Knowledge
I challenge everyone who crosses the bridge