Tagwho /monster/ here?
>tfw bored as fuck on the night shift at the World Star Museum
Yagan’s Head
‘There was a severed head buried in here,’ I say. ‘Over there I think.’
Drunk On a Park Bench
All the people walk away.
Stream of Tranquillity
Willy never saw the bullet that punched a hole in his head, blew his broken brain apart, and ended his torment.
Bedtime in America
“Tell me a love story,” one whispers to the other, underneath the covers, late at night.
When I was twelve years old, my mother went into surgery for the first time for her heart.
Fall of a Prophet/Cormac Era
I am possessed by the spirit of the pen, recast in a new, comically unlikely and unlikeable role.
Dead Men Tell No Tales
I wanted to fuck the dead man.
Is this what you want? Is this what you’re into?
I recall the man in the tvättstuga called Benny, scouring his pants with a brillo attached to a prong.