Tagsouthern harm
rabbit, can i just say
Notes on the California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus)
The California sea lion is a large and ominously abundant pinniped native to the west coast of North America.
Mustard Seed
B is looking up—naked and seemingly split; gloried in the pouring gore, the waking scream replaced on their lips by pleading tremble—and Hank is certain that the Almighty is making some demand.
Self Portrait with Stone
Once, I fell in love with a well-read, athletic, thoughtful young man.
Cyclones and periodicals.
Alterity, its Smooth Fingers and a Certain Happy Swelling in the Chest Area
One day, while I was observing information on a monitor, there was a bright flash.
It’s April
It’s April.
Wounded Deer
Buck is drinking Budweiser as he drives his kid home after Easter dinner at his mom’s trailer down in Lexington.
My Punk Employment
Customers often mistake me for an employee in many of the stores and businesses I frequent.
You want to destroy yourself thru writing? Watch this 😉