A wooden lazer cut sign that says love
I posted an ad on Craigslist looking for a hundred people to come to my house and beat me to death.
Big Garage Doors and a Broke Drug Dealer
At some point in my late teens I needed to start looking for a job.
On the Day of Her Descending
The egg yolk had a bloody spot.
Expecting (Scrapped Before the First Session)
But either way, I’ll never get another chance to use this shit that I made.
1945. Germany. You’re 12 years old. You and the remnants of your Flakhelfer unit are arguing over which is scarier: the war or the supposedly-haunted house you’ve taken shelter in.
The Devil’s Doing
Pedro dove to the track for a ten as a train approached.
The Joker: A Review
The Joker. My god, The Joker.
What about Wu Tang?
I think eight people attended. The following week, we tabled, hit offices with flyers, had a meeting.
Awl Fwk Tup
I never saw or heard a gunshot.
I could have been a CrimethInc. Kid / people in hell deserve a hand
“I couldn’t brave another psychotic episode”