The Lady in the Hall
I often hear my neighbors fight,
falling asleep to dimming light.
Remind Me
My name is ghost,
pronounced lost—
God’s Loneliest Tranny
I have found my out in violence
I Know Why
Allow me to make one thing clear from the outset: if he lets himself be captured, he’s no brother of mine.
Character Concepts
Bloodrage is an orc who looks like your father.
Skyway Hunter
I saw so much death after they took you, my love.
you found it growing in the basement
a sickly lavender with chilling implications
Dolores, Dolores
My lipstick stained your book, Age of Innocence, with a suede cover.
flayed god / eve’s reprieve
flayed god whose skin is stuck shedding
because the world is too fucked to be renewed
Humans are pretty good.