Well-Wishers / Group Sex in the Burns Ward
My beautiful daughter Melissa Sarah Hart died last Friday 24th September from an accidental drug overdose.
Getting My House in Order
After you left, I mostly did a lot of nothing.
A little shard of milky glass: rock: a pure lattice of confusion, a chemical matrix, cooking you inside out.
Self Portrait
The plumber came and made a video of Dan’s sewer line.
Misery Loves Company – October 29, November 5 & November 19, 2021
The above videos are archives of the three most recent editions of the Misery Loves Company social reading series
Five Cruisers
five cruisers on the block tonight
i wonder what’s the fuss about this time
SUNSHINE BE GoNE GOnE GONe / WHY the hell DOES your PEE SMELL so BAD? / massage parlor
Old Ugly Alfred held his hand outside from the twelfth story bathroom window.
Made of Parts
Jake is toasting sesame seeds in a pan to make his own tahini.
Getting Good Work Ethic
The grids of the data entry software displaying on my monitor become blurry, I look out across the open plan office and my colleagues are moving through a translucent desert haze, I can feel every synthetic fibre of my cheap work trousers rubbing against my skin. It is coming, I am getting good work ethic.
Anti Rain
T minus 0. The rain is falling upward.