God’s Loneliest Tranny

God’s Loneliest Tranny

Born from the black sludge of the primordial soup i crawl forth from my mother's cursed womb into a broken world
Raised in mediocrity and rape I disconnect from it
Floating drifting and shifting my disgusting abomination of a toxic life
Trapped in my hick town trapped in the city trapped trapped 
I want out i want out I want out
I have found my out in violence 
Arming myself with the tools of war I go on a schizophrenia rampage of death and destruction to see the womb of the world laid bear
Now all we have are a spectacle of shit, a world of toxic waste that we bathe our diseased minds in
The demons are all around us and only the “insane” see them 
Into the black abyss of depravity I go like God’s loneliest tranny I fall into the pit of Hell
There I baptize myself in the blood of porngraphers, politicians, rapists
Blood blood blood blood blood blood
What happened to my dreams of salvation what happened to it all
All i have now is the blood on my hands 
And the drugs in my heart

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