CategoryMountain Man
There’d been a few attempts to ascend previously, but they’d been aborted due to weather and other less-than-desirable climbing conditions.
Neurotic Restaurant
A trinity of waiters huddling just inside the entrance rattle through a series of disclaimers as you walk in, seem in fact to be partway down the list already as you open the door.
The Trap
The sky shedding the soft blue of a Sunday afternoon, burns sharp orange pathways across the horizon.
Portrait of David Duchovny as an Organoid
David Duchovny is a few brain
cells grown in a petri dish.
Strip Rodeo
They said Asher tried to hang himself with an extension cord.
Cover Letter
Wait. Please. Keep reading.
Acid Rain on Pluto / Pacific Time, See You, und Lebwohl / 3AM: Papercandy
Fading smile in the Valley of Kings
5 Poems
Daay-am, Mumpsy!
You livered outta da splat box
Pole Pop
I’m eating Burger King in my car when I start to think the Polish idol I saw on Eurovision is some sort of shaman.
Cake Spell
Our main character lies on her bed in her underwear with a towel on her head.