Fiction & Poetry
CategoryWorlds Otherwise Hidden
Worlds Otherwise Hidden
I saw something big out of the corner of my eye. At first I thought it was a dead cow. Then it turned around and looked at me, and I said, “Tiffany, it’s a
Hopes & Prayers Is Something You Say to Allow Yourself to Forget
Hopes & Prayers Is Something You Say to Allow Yourself to Forget
& I don’t even offer that.
Empathy weighs less than glory, holy things worth more bloodstained.
This a privile
Jagged-edged, it scraped the sides as it emerged.
Such disappointment: something so sharp
should have had crystal slivers, flashing lights
and metal levers, not be
Occam’s Razor Suggests If Something Falls from the Sky It’s More Likely Something’s Excrement Than Divine
Occam’s Razor Suggests If Something Falls from the Sky It’s More Likely Something’s Excrement Than Divine
I once knew the exact street price
of every pill in the area.
I once
Russian Bot: Poems from a State-Sponsored Predictive Text Emulator
Last year, Twitter’s staff revealed that they had discovered thousands of accounts affiliated with the Internet Research Agency, an organization sensationalized in the press as
“Exhale Light” (Praise the Sun)
The man behind the foggy door—
big nose, bigger glasses—
is called “DR. ORNSTEIN.”
A boss
elevated above trash
with reused
in overused
meant to dull sense
I Fell
“I Fell”
Eetsy beetsy tsetse fly—
“un_____ hairy __it,” a spy—
flick of hand
then you die.
Buzz electric
stubborn, hearty
so eclectic
you are party
to a wedding,
flash mob,
Creation Narrative / The Last Particle
Creation Narrative
In the beginning, there was only God and all else was nothingness. God looked into the void and knew He was alone. And even God, who was infinitely knowledgea
Resurrection Man / Rope Trick
Resurrection Man
excerpt from an interview with a professional grave robber
Q: Have you ever dug someone up and discovered that they were still alive?
A: No, they’ve all bee