Fiction & Poetry
Category7 Poems
the homeless guy on the corner is jaundiced and dying
there are people here lying in days old shit. lined up on the cold, hard floor, wounds weeping onto the tiles.
I contemplate Bed Bath and Beyond’s 20% off mattress topper sale and if I should continue to starve myself for my upcoming trip to Florida.
Meter Reader
“Do this one,” Greg says. It’s only fifty feet away, but the dials are tiny, and the black hands are even tinier, like a gnat’s wings.
Well-Wishers / Group Sex in the Burns Ward
My beautiful daughter Melissa Sarah Hart died last Friday 24th September from an accidental drug overdose.
Getting My House in Order
After you left, I mostly did a lot of nothing.
A little shard of milky glass: rock: a pure lattice of confusion, a chemical matrix, cooking you inside out.
Self Portrait
The plumber came and made a video of Dan’s sewer line.
SUNSHINE BE GoNE GOnE GONe / WHY the hell DOES your PEE SMELL so BAD? / massage parlor
Old Ugly Alfred held his hand outside from the twelfth story bathroom window.
Made of Parts
Jake is toasting sesame seeds in a pan to make his own tahini.