Fiction & Poetry
Category3 Poems
Yo’ mama was a porno queen
Befo’ she was a ho,
The whole house
is fluorescent overheads,
Chester’s dad wears Bert and Ernie
slippers, eating a nugget.
The Plural of Asphyxia / Happy Wildcard Weekend, Everyone
those who make you breathe against your will
After my life imploded, I thought things would eventually get better. They didn’t.
4 Poetry & Prose Pieces
a retarded black midget
Terminal Leave
Slater’s got the PTSD.
5 Poems
In the car horn valley
I attend a blowout sale
Roadkill Rick
The first time we saw Roadkill Rick was, fittingly enough, on the side of the road carefully inspecting a raccoon.
A Man
I have died many times. Sometimes I just need five minutes to die again.
How I Decide to be You is Perfectly Understandable
I couldn’t stand it anymore. I was chain-smoking. I had paced a trail to oblivion in the floor of the apartment.