Bad Dream Coma

Bad Dream Coma

A man thought he shot a deer. It was actually his brother. Police warned residents to look out for a person dressed all in black. Then people started running toward us. We saw a guy with a bandanna wrapped around his leg who was crying. I don’t think any longer that it’s enough to say, “Oh well, that’s the way they did it back then.” We’re thinking of moving out of the neighborhood. Sometimes you have to go very far to talk about something very close to you. Unfortunately, in a place where there’s no light, you can’t tell distance.


I used to see seagulls everywhere. They were entertainment, watching them glide and hover and dive. It’s many years later, and the wind is screaming curses and slamming doors. Serious preparations for horizontal descent are underway. I bet a lot of birds get confused because of all the crazy out there in our world. Soon there might not even be a forest, just rooms with a few things in them that suggest a story.


God, the things we saw. Shattered arms, legs, and heads – such awful sights. The corridor full of blood. The doctor could say what diseases they didn’t have, but not what disease they did. Does that really surprise anyone? Two days later, a flood was bearing down on us. I bought a tiny electric car, even though my teeth were falling out. The town, the river, the woods just kept on screaming. Mercury was in retrograde. It’s the only explanation I’ve heard.