Avoiding Disaster

Avoiding Disaster
Imagine that the bucolic picnic –
Which you happen serendipitously upon
Once you begin your walk in the woods –
Is actually a disaster:
The cloth laid out for victims,
The basket an inadequate first aid kit,
The picnickers screaming at each other:
“Secure the site”, “Triage”, “This one
First”, pulse, no pulse, multiple
Fractures, stop the bleeding, keep
The airway open, support his
Back, “I don’t know”, I don’t
Know. Would you
Have continued your expected walk
Through these woods,
Or would you have stopped,
At the edge of the action, as in
A Seurat painting: not wanting to pry,
But wondering nonetheless if,
In all the confusion,
That roast beef sandwich has been forgotten —
And whether anyone there would truly mind
If you stepped into the frame and ate it?