The Sticks / Oil City Prison
The Sticks
When I was in fourth grade I went to a Lutheran school in the sticks I didn’t know it at the time but some city people Don’t know places like this exist But they do exist And those places is where I’m from The school had one teacher The school had one classroom Connected to a church I didn’t know it at the time But the teacher was an alcoholic He liked fantasy books He didn’t teach much All day on Friday’s He read to us Except for recess He did different voices For different characters in the books We were mean to him for no reason He let us run around and do whatever we wanted I didn’t know it at the time but he was like no other teacher I would ever have again I had one friend He was this giant kid Bigger than the rest I didn’t know it at the time But he had Asperger’s We ate pizza Drank pop Played Legos Watched violent movies Played violent videogames His mom died suddenly For no reason She was super nice She bought me clothes and food She gave my parents a car The school closed that year The teacher died of alcoholism I can still remember the different characters from the books and their voices in college I had a 400-level medieval literature class with my childhood friend’s younger sister we sat next to each other by coincidence we found out we knew each other halfway through the semester We learned about The Green Knight and The Faerie Queen she was mean to me for no reason she didn’t care about how I use to be best friends with her brother nobody reads to me anymore now I read to myself now I have my own voices for my own characters the world is a lurking deceitful coward the world wants me to be the same way for no reason but I won’t and neither will you never forget how the world is terrified
Oil City Prison
I’ve never had a dishwasher. My therapy is washing dishes by hand You can’t stop me I once had an apartment With a dishwasher I tried to use it once But the dishwasher needed special soap I kept washing by hand No matter what People made comments about how good I was At washing dishes. I consider it an art form I consider it a portal to a meditative state I consider it a magic trick From the heavens My first job out of college was working For a private contractor in a prison kitchen It was so bad there was national news reports about it A documentary about it It was so bad John Oliver did an episode about it People died about it The inmate who taught me how to operate the giant industrial kitchen was in prison for kidnapping the member of a jury I met a serial killer He killed girls in Ypsilanti He acted too normal He told me he was in for fraud I met this inmate named Nua He was the head chef he made sure nobody fucked with me He immigrated from Cambodia To San Diego when he was very young Him and his brother were in a gang Some guys tried to kill him and his brother His brother got shot up but lived When the guys found out they didn’t kill Nau and his brother they fled Nau found out they were hiding out in a hotel room in Grand Rapids, Michigan Nau drove to Grand Rapids Nau killed them both with a knife Nau studied law and worked his case and somehow got his murder charges down to second degree and was assigned a release date I met this dude named Haas He was in for being addicted to heroin I helped him get a job at a pizzeria when he got out He reminded me of my own friends I met this kid named Gauss He was in prison for safe cracking A few of his fingers got blown off by a shotgun during a robbery He was a decedent of Carl Fredrich Gauss Who was a mathematician Gauss was one of the most brilliant people I’ve ever met. He used headphone wires and a matchbox to build a universal TV remote to use in the TV room nobody taught him how to do this. Inmates had sex with my coworkers in a backroom The backroom had a makeshift bed Made out of a pallet and blankets Not my business in the corner of the huge kitchen I found him The best dishwasher in the world Better than me Operating a 30-year-old Hobart dishwasher Rumbling and spraying loose steam water The best dishwasher in the world Is from Oil City, Michigan You should look up Oil City after reading this poem Everyone in prison calls him Oil City Oil City is short, fat and has a speech impediment Oil City was in prison for breaking and entering and false imprisonment Which is sorta like a lesser form of kidnapping Oil City broke into a women’s home, tied her up and ate food out of her refrigerator Oil City specifically ate a steak sandwich Oil City did not do her dishes Oil City had Oil City tattooed in cursive on his hands One hand said Oil the other hand said City The prison feeds nearly 2,500 guys 3 times a day Oil City did all the dishes But it didn’t matter how many dishes Oil City did He could never wash off the tattoos of where he was from Oil City told me he started doing drugs when he was five years old He wasn’t smart and other inmates took advantage of him and made him steal food out of the chow hall. Not my business Oil City got drunk off spud juice Not my business Oil City knew how to fix the dishwasher with rubber bands and paper plates Oil City hid stolen pieces of cake in the paper towel dispenser Every night after dinner a small crowd of inmates and the chow hall officers and kitchen workers watched Oil City do dishes Oil City wasn’t living in a prison in Saint Louis, Michigan when he washed dishes Now I wash my little sink of hot soapy dishes every night as a prayer To the dishwashing god I think he’s still in prison. I think Oil City is going to be in prison for a long time I think when Oil City gets out, he’ll be going right back in again