TagYagan’s Head
‘There was a severed head buried in here,’ I say. ‘Over there I think.’
Stream of Tranquillity
Willy never saw the bullet that punched a hole in his head, blew his broken brain apart, and ended his torment.
Suicide Diary of Princess and the Mudfish
There is always the mutt, her sword, the noble, and his castle.
Is this what you want? Is this what you’re into?
Midnight’s Talking Lion and the Wedding Fire [excerpt]
From Nebraska Call of Duty drone glow in Hazrat Ali or
The Temptation of the King’s Daughter
I climbed up the ladder inside my cell every day to the little square opening high above.
“Whoever makes a picture will be punished for it on Judgment Day and will be ordered to put a soul into that picture which he will not be able to do.”
Giving Dreams the Chance to Fly
We are bumping around inside a Nawab APC – fresh off the line from Kroch Labs – as it negotiates difficult terrain.
there are people here lying in days old shit. lined up on the cold, hard floor, wounds weeping onto the tiles.
Off Into the Night
During the days, it got up to about 70 degrees Fahrenheit there in Helmand Province.