TagJourneying to America
The next afternoon you appeared with Hua as guest contestants on the “The People’s Republic’s Got Talent” television show with star host Wink Chang.
Eloping to Zhuhai
After a whole night of chatting and lovemaking, you got up about ten o’clock the next morning.
Acid Rain on Pluto / Pacific Time, See You, und Lebwohl / 3AM: Papercandy
Fading smile in the Valley of Kings
3 Poems
I never knew his name
I just knew that his father
beat him and his mother
every single day for 16 years
Nashville or Kentucky
I’ve always wanted to blow my brains out
Leaving the Canyon
You leave the Grand Canyon planning to head north and get a hotel room closer to Monument Valley.
My little red Gothic boat
Was hankering for something to eat some night.
Under the Saturnine Influence on the Trail
A cult got to us, an invented religion hewn from the hunt and from the gape of a country so impressive it seeped into our souls.
The Cycles of Larson
roadkill, white-tailed deer
Meter Reader
“Do this one,” Greg says. It’s only fifty feet away, but the dials are tiny, and the black hands are even tinier, like a gnat’s wings.