social media
TagMy Reason for Living
I stopped dating a girl after I cut it off with the previous one and the one before that.
Desires and Drives
Waste time. Waste time.
Bum Fights, Street Brawls and Mobile Phones
There was one summer where the heat was so cruel it caused some to freak out and lose their minds.
Polite Boilerplate Credible Threat
Hey! Are you a lonely weirdo on the internet?
He saw the first one when he’d gone down to empty the basement dehumidifier.
Maybe during the next plague, we’ll figure it out
the twitter feeds
resemble tombstones
4 Poems
Fool yourself
and say it’s grass and not pavement.
The Outside World
Dustin and I had been trying to watch an episode of Bleach for at least 30 minutes, but the onslaught of bass blasts from the parking lot had proven impossible to ignore.
Panzram’s Double
Emma’s yapping about some school shooting that happened last year in Connecticut that I hadn’t heard about.
Well-Wishers / Group Sex in the Burns Ward
My beautiful daughter Melissa Sarah Hart died last Friday 24th September from an accidental drug overdose.