social distancing
troy and chad worked together
for the school district
Third Date
A fever torched the city.
my friend asked me what i was doing. from my bed I said “getting groceries.”
Late august 2020 notes: social stasis continues.
The double-slit experiment
Tara always used to take the piss out of me for being “posh”.
The third and final night
A young man was taken away this evening in a stretcher, by ambulance.
Podcast People
The masturbators prep their organs; the podcast has yet to play.
A Fitting Tribute
Jimmy Ward shadowboxed in his bedroom as the morning light seeped through the blinds creating a dense silhouette.
Gold Digger
The morning meant hangover and strong coffee, juices delivered automatically from the smoothie bar Elena preferred.
Some of us are just made wrong / Terri’s Side of Town
I’m grinding the teeth of my heart tonight
behind a Walmart