TagInternet Boyfriend
One of the dumbest symptoms of my months-long psychosis was that I fell in love with almost every guy who crossed my path.
Fifty-Two Ways of Looking at the Eight Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter
With a touch of negro dialect, and as rapidly as possible toward the end.
I Live in a Seaside Motel
I live in a seaside motel. On nights the ocean is lively I can lie in bed and hear it murmur midnight elegies.
Excerpt from Poelitrics
UNIT 1: Nature
The organic realm which surrounds and composes us, we are all but one of the same blop of protein which first interacted way back when we can only imagine and speculate
What’s Your Damage? / Remember / Tracing Paper
you want stain
without white
Leavin’ Springersville
Po’ Bobby Sue, she’s so in love;
Her Bubba’s all she’s thinkin’ of—
Tonight, they’ll dance an’ drink red wine.
It’s prom night, 1999.
Checked Out
Todd sat behind the counter of the Days Inn on a dreary, drizzly winter afternoon checking the night log.
Night at the Oscars / Coffee
I changed the sheets and threw the whites in the laundry.