TagThe Truce / The Stoning of the Clown
The air is fresh from the last rain.
Dear Warriors
Dear Warriors,
what’s my agenda?
The Neurotic’s Court
No official state decree or police order holds me in my room, but I feel a sense of responsibility to remain locked inside, to prevent the spread of a novel disease, whose name saturates every news feed, bulletin, and information source available.
Excerpt from Poelitrics
UNIT 1: Nature
The organic realm which surrounds and composes us, we are all but one of the same blop of protein which first interacted way back when we can only imagine and speculate
The Nightmares of Old Silverback
Old Silverback sees her face, the one he’s forgotten, when she resurfaces in the news.
The Human Rights Guy
I was tooling around the neighborhood of the world famous Dresden restaurant on my bike on Vermont Street (just left of Hollywood –– or just right if you’re upside down, which most people in Hollywood are)
Poems for February 3, 3020
The following six poems were written on Sunday, February 2, 2020 with the foreknowledge that they would be published on February 3, 2020 as my (late) contribution to our January “release date” submission theme.
Abandoned: An Archive
As a way of closing out our November abandoned work theme and of commemorating the end of another largely wasted decade of my life, I’ve combed through more than ten years of Google Docs and dredged the fertilizer lagoon of my computer’s Documents folder to find as many of my aborted creative projects as possible.
What about Wu Tang?
I think eight people attended. The following week, we tabled, hit offices with flyers, had a meeting.
Hopes & Prayers Is Something You Say to Allow Yourself to Forget
Hopes & Prayers Is Something You Say to Allow Yourself to Forget
& I don’t even offer that.
Empathy weighs less than glory, holy things worth more bloodstained.
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