TagCathedrals of Sewage
of course / the cesspools weren’t ideal but
My therapist once told me,
“You don’t strike me
as someone who
An Erasure of a Job Opening at Long Creek Youth Development Center on Indeed
Poems for February 3, 3020
The following six poems were written on Sunday, February 2, 2020 with the foreknowledge that they would be published on February 3, 2020 as my (late) contribution to our January “release date” submission theme.
Troubling Murmurs
Jasmine married the Heart two years ago.
The Saddest Piss in the World
I’m standing in a dark closet howling,
screaming like a monkey,
what a monkey sounds like,
what a monkey sounds like on acid,
Fuck This and Fuck You
Beaten piss dog alley way hosts the litter of the damned
Like candles in a study he’d’ve liked to have.
Most people
Do not know
That the Rule of Thumb
I could have been a CrimethInc. Kid / people in hell deserve a hand
“I couldn’t brave another psychotic episode”
i spin my wheels of hate to the hate station