TagA steamy summer awaits / Anniversary vision / Marketing
Playing games
Playing games and
Playing games and wanking through the internet of porns
Oh you pale little light you / I wasn’t meant to die here / Finishing the Kill
Blazing down neon lit asphalt streets Red lights blasted through
Fenestral Cline, or, The Minor Disappearance
why not lithe knot will you disappear k/not
Bone Paste Effigy / MOFO / A Love Poem
something so beautiful it makes me want to punch myself in the ribs
ask the mask
for god to bless
us wearers
getting worn.
The Lady in the Hall
I often hear my neighbors fight,
falling asleep to dimming light.
you found it growing in the basement
a sickly lavender with chilling implications
Dolores, Dolores
My lipstick stained your book, Age of Innocence, with a suede cover.
flayed god / eve’s reprieve
flayed god whose skin is stuck shedding
because the world is too fucked to be renewed
Species Management
At some point, the deer stopped dying.