Tag3 Poems
I never knew his name
I just knew that his father
beat him and his mother
every single day for 16 years
3 Poems
Who hasn’t
Wanted the other thing
monica is my best friend and i have loved her secretly since middle school.
Vicodin & Venice
Come sit on this mossy log on the steaming hot bank of the deep wide brook, by the cattails lilypads and skunk cabbages.
Sixteen Lipomas had been Excised / Parody of the Language Poets
So I was in pain. Wore the crown
In a kingdom of coprolalia.
Knobbed Welk
The welk crunched my memory in the loggerhead’s neck.
Principles of Good Dental Care
Brush the teeth harder than usual, having gotten no more than three or so hours sleep the night before.