TagAestar ignit iluda
The wind carried with it ash and sand, blight that clung to the corneas, even behind the spectacles.
The Woman with Mice
This is the truth. The mice were really her whole problem.
Love of my Life
I found the thing stuck in a laundromat dryer.
the monster we got
we sat up
as shouts
poured through slats
in our boarded-up walls
Dreams, Crack and the Minotaur
Hey Em, I know you blocked me, but this undelivered messenger just woke up from a dream
There once was a planet infested with trees infested with humans infested with political issues in the making.
Demons made into worms
I’m here to fuck, I’m here to conquer
The following game was created for 2018’s 200 Word RPG challenge. Unlike Rudy, who is clearly deeply fucking pathological, I’ve only written a single entry for this year’s contest.