magical realism
TagBedtime in America
“Tell me a love story,” one whispers to the other, underneath the covers, late at night.
Acid Rain on Pluto / Pacific Time, See You, und Lebwohl / 3AM: Papercandy
Fading smile in the Valley of Kings
Fat Ghost
My house floated thirty feet above the ground.
Vivica McDonalds: Enemy of the Wood Chipper
Vivica Shertogenbosch’s life was a struggle to escape the metaphysical bog she was plunged into at the age of five when her parents were devoured by a wood chipper at a landscaping expo in Tulsa.
Gnaw wood
Leaning against my bathroom sink in the morning, I noticed for the first time how the light shone right through my hair, creating a wispy halo.
My Brother, His Mummy, and Me
My brother starts high school in the fall.
Rhymes Galore
I speak what I live and live what I speak, my nigga.
Plain and Simple / The Year of Un-Magical Thinking
What choice
but to tell our stories
in a cruder form
Vicodin & Venice
Come sit on this mossy log on the steaming hot bank of the deep wide brook, by the cattails lilypads and skunk cabbages.
Back to Normal
I don’t know what this Thing is that lives in my stomach and that demands something from me and that Will Not Shut Up.