TagImitations (Likely to be Divine)
Is your god a dog Y/N
Desires and Drives
Waste time. Waste time.
A Computer That Molests You
Between the living room and the kitchen is a computer that molests you.
Cover Letter / Never Unsubscribing / Not A Fit
I am writing to express my genuine excitement at the prospect of not killing myself!
Let me be real, let me be succinct.
6 Poems
I love Space
In my memory, yes
I’ve felt it, the joy
The Scientist
The Scientist was attempting to occupy his time.
Sitting on the Couch Watching Internet
“OK now you pick,” she said leaning into his chest, and even though the eels came out of his hands when they touched she thought it was nice to feel close to someone.
Foundations of Consciousness
I Googled, What does it mean when an object becomes unrecognizable?
Blah Day / What is the vase in a tombstone called?
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