TagConscientious Objector
What good is a gun against Bouncing Bettys, toe tappers, and boobytraps?
The air is stale and reeks of vomit, piss, shit, and strawberries.
Tender Years
Soooooo Cody kept me up all last night practically.
tribute to berryman
the mississippi runs through this city
there are bodies in it
Thin Man
On the way home from her morning shift at Value King, Kyoko bought me a copy of the Topine Transcontinental Tribune, our local tabloid newspaper.
White Fuyūrei
“What. The. Fuck.”
The Goof, Meredith
Meredith, the woman who hit Gabe with her car, is still in the living room, sitting in the chair possessed by the spirit of Grace’s dead grandmother.
My Father’s Ghost
I was an adult when I saw my father’s ghost walking on my bedroom walls in central Minnesota, pacing back and forth, and back again.
The ghost is on his knees in the foot-space of a mahogany desk.
Dog Meat
The softness of my mattress is oppressive.