TagGrief dick
several pictures she sent me before she died were of her sucking Drew’s dick while making a funny, insane face.
On Louis C.K.
Misery Tourism’s theme for November is “abandoned work.” What follows (if I don’t give up now) is not an exercise in automatic writing so much as it is an exercise in agonized writing: the act of writing as self-imposed torture; writing without planning or outline because otherwise I would write nothing.
I could have been a CrimethInc. Kid / people in hell deserve a hand
“I couldn’t brave another psychotic episode”
Spam #1
fifteen years ago when i was the co-owner/administrator/second-most-decorated-troll of a freeform fantasy role-playing chat/message board site
It’s a Wonderful Life Playing in My Hospital Room
In the spirit of the season and movie,
why don’t you write a farewell poem to the world,
the nurse says to me.
This is not the first time we have been buried.
the senseless crime
i just want to understand. this is me trying to understand.
Manifesto of a Predictive Text School Shooter
attention: family, friends, neighbors, and dylan klebold.
Nobody knows how many black holes are in space, but studies have linked living to dying.
Broken in Three Places
Somehow we were always expecting something like this, a strange wind off the Atlantic, moaning and cursing and full of old hurts,