
This piece is a response narrative for the Autofiction x Worldbuilding submissions call.  It was inspired by this Autofictional seed. For this call, we asked people to write a response to another author’s autofictional submission, based on the original piece and this bit of cryptic world lore.

This, and other Worldbuilding pieces are being published to a Wiki, which will allow contributors to edit, link, and otherwise annotate their work and that of their peers.

A Fragment

…on the floor everywhere now and dirty as she’s felt since Garland that everything always is dirty and leaving from home to Texas and back to home and soon enough though down the line because she’s keeping it whatever it is the child too will leave her guts and grace and him if he can get himself up to fuck enough for her to blame him and not the sky that night rolling to the corners resting in the little puddles on the floor and already dissolving in hair and schmutz and piss and none never cleaned and everything dirty because she’d said its fine when it wasn’t so it’s hands and knees now and dropping the pills that set him like nothing so much as quivering cold oatmeal in her palm white and clattering and for moment a moment a moment tipped to spill back in the bottle but not and not because there’s no way to stomach him taking the pills dirty and making him sick but on account that there’s no way to stomach him taking them at all no more anyhow in any way whatsoever since without them the transgressions in Texas with him asleep after not being able at all to complete and her finding some other one to meet the need to meet it then too much and too quickly because he might without them be he might without them the pills now flushed he might without them be able to be again firm enough to make his claim just the once and she can say see she can say see you never needed them and we can be we and another…


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