Portrait of David Duchovny as an Organoid

Portrait of David Duchovny as an Organoid

David Duchovny is a few brain
cells grown in a petri dish.
He is a pin-head sized heart

with a beatbeat beatbeat.
David Duchovny is an artificial
tear duct spewing Real Human

Tears™. When scientists mix
the right proteins & amino
acids they can stimulate David

Duchovny to grow a rudimentary
eye. David Duchovny can register
changes in light. He can process 

silhouettes & shadowmen.
David Duchovny’s proto
consciousness can’t comprehend

observer effect but the electrons
don’t know that. David Duchovny blinks
& —  

The scientists can make a cocktail
to grow David Duchovny
neurons & synapses to transmit

ennui. They can grow
him a pink nub of tongue, 
two slips of lip, a tooth. 

Without vocal chords
he can’t beg for advice,
a glass of water,

a subdural hematoma.