Popular Literature

Popular Literature
If you are going to write about your life
You had better damn well have
One hell of a kicking life.
Take it from me, nobody cares
That you hate your mother, or that
Your father drank the family
Into poverty, or what you saw
Your sister doing with the neighbor boys.
Everyone has a life, and everyone’s life
At some point goes where it shouldn’t,
Everyone’s life takes the left at Elm and Harcourt
When it should have gone straight.
You might connect with a few like-minded loonies
Trying to work out their own dented pasts:
Who desire the support, who come back
Page after page like a shy boy
Masturbating his way to adequacy.
But if you want it to hold real
You had better have wings, or
An exoskeleton, or have killed
Your neighbors with a straightened
Paper clip. Someone needs
To want to know about you.
You want them to bypass all the pretty
But useless poetry and settle
On your every cluttered utterance,
Even themselves saying out loud,
Why, that son-of-a-bitch sure had
A tough staircase to climb:
One of three arms tied behind his back
And a halo following his sister about,
With an eighty-five-pound lobster in the basement
And a sparky neighbor who breathed obsidian.
I wonder if he made it?