Popeye / Bond


Name: Popeye
Alias: The Sailor Man
Charge: Drug Trafficking
Additional Detail: Was found loitering outside stadium, was searched and subsequently charged. Confession was almost immediate: following a breakdown of his marriage, the eponymous ‘Sailor Man’ began pushing performance-enhancing substances at high profile sports events. Substances remain in police custody, awaiting analysis.



With his eyes Bond drills the man to the back of his seat. ‘You expect me to talk?’
‘Only if you feel like opening up. You don’t have to, James.’
A pause.
‘Do you have something you’d like to share with the group?’
007 swallows. ‘Isn’t it Sharon’s turn?’ He shuffles uneasily on the hard plastic chair.
‘Yes, but, if you have something…’
Traces of bad coffee on his tongue.
‘Perhaps next week.’