monica is my best friend and i have loved her secretly since middle school.
Somewhere in there, a killing / the damage could not fully be articulated
never wd
The Men and the Dogs
I saw the first man in the centre of town, out walking his dog, a little white terrier.
No Hard Centers / One day when I’m dead you’ll be sorry I
Miss Hooker’s my Sunday School teacher and I’m going to marry her when I’m old like she is, or old enough.
Misery Loves Company – May 14, 2021
The above video is an archive of the latest edition of the Misery Loves Company social reading series.
My Father’s Ghost
I was an adult when I saw my father’s ghost walking on my bedroom walls in central Minnesota, pacing back and forth, and back again.
patti smith wont give me a bbbj
my girlfriend wanted to be patti smith when she grew up but we’re thirty now and she’s still dressing like Brody Dalle in 2006 so she’s running out of time.
Nick Cave Takes a Bath
If there is no rest for the wicked, I must have done something awful.
Misery Loves Company – May 07, 2021
The above video is an archive of the latest edition of the Misery Loves Company social reading series.
Having been kicked out of everywhere else on the construction site, the pigeons are nesting in the old spray-foam insulation in above the little alcove that holds the electric box.