OCD / Alan / Front Yard
I had no idea
how mentally ill
I really was.
Midnight’s Talking Lion and the Wedding Fire [excerpt]
From Nebraska Call of Duty drone glow in Hazrat Ali or
3 poems
Peeling an orange
Shedding the
JOHN BARNLY: a memory
I was scroolling through the local news on my phone and I found the death of John Barnly.
Jesus and Carl’s Junior
I learned about the 2015 Paris attacks five days after they happened.
Misery Loves Company – November 11, 2022
The above video is an archive of the latest edition of the Misery Loves Company social reading series.
In Real Life
Something like a year ago, you were actually going to give this up—were going to give yourself a fresh start
1st of Decembary, 5500 / dagoth ur ponders final death
All I want to say is, we made some mistakes that first year.
3 Poems
Who hasn’t
Wanted the other thing
Making the Songs on the Radio
Every evening for the past 5 years between the hours of 9PM and 10PM you have been sitting at your desk drafting your third novel.