Our Miserable Success

So, first of all, to all of our backers: thank you! Thank you for backing our project. Thank you for telling your friends. Thank you for sticking around through all the controversy to see this thing through.

Look how close we were. We couldn’t have hit our goal without each and every one of you. When you get your pdf or book, you’ll be able to honestly know that it could never have existed without your support. And that’s pretty awesome.

So what now?

Rudy and I are going to start the process of editing and rewriting our drafts right away. Then, once editing is done, we’ll pass them along to Jonathan to for layout. After that, it’s off to the printer.

We’ll post updates here and on the Kickstarter page as we work through this project, and pass along samples of our work as they’re available.

In the meantime, all of the alpha drafts will remain here on our website, so you can play them while you wait.

If you do, let us know what you think! We’ll be revising the games based on your feedback right up to the end, to make sure that each one offers the best experience possible. You can send any feedback to me at whduryea AT miserytourism DOT com.

By the way, did I say thank you, yet? Because, seriously guys, thanks!