
Nobody knows how many black holes are in space, but studies have linked living to dying. One thing I’ve learned from life is that you can’t make sense out of someone’s irrational behavior. Trying to might drive you crazy. She broke up with me because I wouldn’t buy her more tequila. “And while you’re out, will you get me a cheeseburger?” Is it poetry to share your suffering? Personally, I like poetry that mixes the smart with the stupid. “No, I will not get you a fucking cheeseburger!” The hottest planet in our solar system is 450 degrees Celsius and it doesn’t come with fries. Maybe somewhere there’s a planet made of rotting flesh, and the stars in the sky are just brains full of sadness (a sadness that snowballs as they age). Me, I’m one of those big flowers that blossoms every thirty-six years, smelling like a corpse. Look closely at my dumb face and you’ll see her footprint as clear as day. A rebirth mark that will last for a hundred million years (at least).