Fiction & Poetry
CategoryPrinciples of Good Dental Care
Brush the teeth harder than usual, having gotten no more than three or so hours sleep the night before.
Forgive me father, for I have sinned
I remember praying, I remember praying and pleading and offering up every part of myself in exchange for feeling whole again.
The Gift of Life
Bright red is often a warning colour.
The Robot by the Fireplace
This I can take care of:
Small homunculus on the roof, a pack animal
Pulled conveyance, and entry through the exhaust chute.
I place my healing hand on your icicle brain.
Life is too short not to own multiple bazookas.
Piss City
The window of the inn looks out on the narrow street. It’s opaque with smudged filth.
There was a wailing sound coming from the next room.
The Roofer
My blood had soaked into the pages. It looked really bad. The poetry, not my blood.
Man, this republic is fucked
I am rich with the stuff,
Won from an enemy’s savage gardens.