Fiction & Poetry
Category3 Poems
Carl Hall sat in the back of a car,
a little white dog in his lap,
bruce the spider
bruce is idling, finds a small cutlet
Insomniac Autumn
Pointed ashes rain
Everything Hurts When You’re Dying Inside
“You perform poetry,” Bee laughed.
Leg Day
It’s leg day and I’m trying to focus, trying to bathe in the agony that is emanating up through my legs in waves.
Dimension Tripper
It was only after one really massive mess up that I realized it was possible.
The first thing Case said to me when she woke up was, “Can you do that somewhere else?”
Reality and manga meld as one under the influence of a grinding meta-feud between a once beloved mangaka and his outraged fanbase.
Auditing Session
The helmet has been placed on his head. He’s been attached to the machine.
He saw the first one when he’d gone down to empty the basement dehumidifier.