Fiction & Poetry
CategoryFever Dream of an Incel
Alfy Maroney appeared abruptly before a restless studio audience on exceptionally shaky knees.
Archie Chamberlain: Upstater
That’s bullshit. Fear of the outside world my ass.
The Prisoners
The guard stood over the murderer’s hospital bed, occasionally glancing at the automatic shotgun propped up in the corner.
Gnaw wood
Leaning against my bathroom sink in the morning, I noticed for the first time how the light shone right through my hair, creating a wispy halo.
The hidden library
& Her smile is like an old bookshelf after rolling out
Illness Poems
Just before the final burning-out,
the Earth-lights flicker like a palpitating heart.
The Sticks / Oil City Prison
When I was in fourth grade
I went to a Lutheran school
in the sticks
Leaving the Canyon
You leave the Grand Canyon planning to head north and get a hotel room closer to Monument Valley.
How to Cure Any Depression (Using One Weird Trick Discovered by a Mom!!!!!!)
To cure any depression, all you have to do is:
troy and chad worked together
for the school district