5 Poems

This piece is an autofictional seed for the Autofiction x Worldbuilding submissions call. It inspired this other piece.


<Thanks to this Love Classified at CC>
<He found me from here>
<Now I believe there are hopes everywhere>
<Get the chance to know that person that you interested with>
<Do not hesitate> //

Description: I am bald, look macho
own a perodua viva at age 20 with my own
money and not from anyone help //

Requirements: must be humans… ghost,
aliens, espers and time travellers also ok geh… //

Description: my transmitter a bit out
of order. sometimes very slow in generating
msg. so make sure u have patience //

Requirements: accually i want befriend with other race
because i dont have friend from other race…
and i can approve my english //

Description: nothing is impossible if we spend
enough effort on it n giving it time to grow

else there will not be any base around for
the rest of the puzzle to fall into their own places

gives excellent massage, scalp, back and feet //

Requirements: what does matter is she
sweat in talking and open minded for who I am //

Description: I am not talkative… so need someone
that can talk to me. After someone break the ice
i can talk more comfortably. I am not humorous person…

but suddenly sometimes can be funny only those who be
my fren know my personality well. I am not
sweet talker, but can try to be one when i want to

I am a athelitic guy. Mostly stay at home
when nothing to do. Like paper folding (origami) //

Requirements: a gal who can
understands me & can breathe the same air
with me under the sky //

Description: Lindsay / Janet. She is 17 this year.
She’s christian. She love jesus so much.

She is the only lady that’s totally different from others
She is kinda honry and kinda insane when things gets fun

She don’t really like being judge by others cos she feel
that the person who judge her is not that good too

She just love to be herself indeed. She love her precious
DOG so much. His name call Sweetie.

She also loves her babes. Anyway, she is totally
freak out with those backstabbers //

Requirements: i just love tranquility
so person who know what i mean with the tranquility
should know how it was to be


wah freaking freaky wahlao!

my friend juz came back from 1 year
twinning in australia, now act all like orang putih

i feel like puke

“mate here mate there”…
like to makan stuff like crispy cream donuts //

ignore them tossers…
feel like wanna give them a spanker //

you dont need an aussie accent or slang
you jsut need goood and clear english

however if you come and have the typical malaysian lingo

i is going to shopping ar today, or like johnkor’s english

prepare to suffer //

bung it on the barbie mayyte //

an aussie will fight King83, a pack of wild kangaroos
and a truckload of baby koalas for free
even if they have no chance of winning

it’s just in their culture //

ang moh are great people
as long as you speak english and aren’t indian
haha, i’m not indian, so it doesn’t matter

they also approve of AC/DC, Wolfmother
and Spiderbait which i already like

i shoot varmints and targets
so meeting bogans is mandatory //

aussie in cantonese means pangsai


wat do u tink?

— the truth is out there… :eek:          votes: 163
— cool story bro~~~                votes: 56
— i no know and i sure no want to know :(          votes: 20 //

hope aliens got tentacles. 😮 //

they are gigantic intestellar spaceships of alien origin,
whole civilisations floating in space and refuelling
energy at stars. the power of the sun can refuell
a solar powered spacecraft in minutes //

their expressway lah.
got erp gantry one. //

most of these are likely to be csbs
but rem even if just 0.01% of them is for real
it will change our understding forever //

all aliens are humans ourselves
coming from the future as mentioned in a.aliens s4e9 //

ancient times ppl cannot fly……
so we thought sky = heaven = got celestial beings

since 20th century there are gas balloons
and airplanes and we did not find heaven in the sky……
so we look higher up

few hundred years later when we can cross planets
and stars and haven’t find alien yet… //

and then…
they finally found the celestial beings

they found me……………………
and radish sis! 😮 //

in another universe
actually RS and I are together :s34: //

RS is studying for exam till like siao charbo riao
hair messy clothes messy look like ghost now
see riao will scare u to death 🙁 //

neber mind, wad a coincidence
I am doing moi overtime rikes siao rang nao
hair more messy clothes 2 day no change liao

yesterday I took bus stompard
took peeture thought it is a ghost

rs and I will be ideal item
don’t chiu think so? 😀 //

seems ufo arent popular here 🙁
how abt giant whirlpools tat are hundred kms in ocean? //

moi ish comes in see aliens 😀 //

huai dunch have the mystery of sinkie
inv firm with unlimited $$… huai arr? //

Malaysian election magic counted or not ah?
the power off magic? //

aliens faster invade us


every morning, afternoon, evening

threads are bumped by same few nothing
but nonsensical post consisting of only

Good morning
Good afternoon
Good night

and shocking thing is
some of them even reached part 13

what are the mods doing?
come take a look!

♥ come in & chat with me ∗Red Ice Pooh∗ ♥ – Part 2 – Page 293
[Official Chee Hong Club] – Part 10 – Page 236
20-30 years old chit chat thread – Page 362
come in talk about all ur r/s problems – Part 12 – Page 513

remember to issue warnings and infractions
or this trend will appear again

in another thread created without meaning!

culprits are always the same few
and many many more!!!

just go in there and see see

all I see is pages and pages of
good morning afternnon night /

good afternoon everyone
had your lunch already? //

good Evelyn all //

lonely people needs greetings
got wrong meh? //

good nites everybuddys~ //

ppl greet u you greet back bo salar mah
if u dun greet back jin rude one wor //

goot evening lai4s kor kor, kupopo //

hi hi mod shushu //

good afternoon all
damn hot


sound was so loud, worse is someone
was spotting from behind 🙁

wad bottoms do u wear for squat days?? //

I was wearing the female fbt kind
but is for guys one lah

sibei paiseh
but I pretend nothing happen lol

now if I do lower body I wear soccer shorts
first because its usually bigger, more airy

only downside it’s barely above your knee abit
I’m sure you do squats you wanna see

your wheels to focus 😀 //


/thread //

I used to wear just that
but the outline of my dragon is too visible

srs //

this begs the question of why people
are so obsessed with looking at themselves

are you able to squat facing the crowd
instead of the mirror or will you be too distracted
if you don’t focus on yourself all the time?

mind you, some people have so much
spacial awareness they are able to squat
blindfolded with > 2x bw //

Leonidas… so hardcore!! //

or else you just stick to saf pt pants
not bad but abit sexy hahahahaha

but if your wheels are good
then it will be sexy hot. hmmm //

need to get shorts strong enough
to prevent tear

and also short enough
to show sexy legs //

This Ish Madness!!


This Ish Spartaaaaaaaa!!!!!

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