5 Poems
NO signaling!
33 is simply the age of death of Jesus Christ,
my worldwide targeted individual.
License plate: WRATH
No-touch death culture
Stop electrical weapons
1st&1 of a kind human
sociopaths with microwave pistols
a perp odd and menacing
government run, yes
he stole approx 500 of my dream visions
Stupid Question
shame on you
you’re asking a stupid question
ask to stop driving pollution cars
using natural gas
it is murder
like no one fixes anything
insects, birds, etc
and having kids is a hoax
it’s a fraud with a goal
that I don’t support
which does not mean
i don’t changed the climate
done as much damage
indoctrination, education,
though ill-informed i know
our lives depend
on this fucking money flying
a middle path—
these dumbass greens—
between sweeping oceans
and surging heatwaves
what reasons to be hopeful
on the ground say
can seem a little thin
plastic straws are thoughts and prayers
and the world will be okay in time
but a change is gonna come
make one thing clear
it has to come
Have you heard?
either we go on as a civilization or we don’t
there’s no black-and-white
quietly adjusting reflex
to mend
it’s almost unfair
is it any wonder
we must hold these artists
so-called, together
i’ve tried once in the past and failed
so I’m hopeful
please donate/venmo
Become a Walmart Greeter
who created this universe
Adobe, you don’t get to say “oops”
you changed the setup
it’s disgusting, it hurts, it is unacceptable
I thought this would be problematic, all the eldritch stuff
an earthquake and tsunami, power station core meltdowns
it’s just fucking incompetent.
and I am so pissed
tell 10 year old (statistically irrelevant) me:
the water has been treated, but
i am Overwhelmed right now…
years of debate, 1,459 days–at a certain point,
you just forget
why the flags are down
but after 26,
I’m just not gonna think about it anymore
I escaped their bullshit.
Flatmate sent me this:
“become a Walmart greeter.”
But compare his career:
Piracy. it’s not hot or sexy,
but it’s ALWAYS morally correct
summers so dry
students will be striking
terrorize colorado
a moral responsibility
kids in court
the crumbling pests
past hour
past year
all months march april may june
any time
what is the easy definition of climate?
how do we know?
to find out from supercomputers
the statistics of weather over time
land surface
clear explanations
issue worldwide
the most comprehensive plan
simple English, verbatim
think different
more about
related zones