Image by Whitney TheisThe Invention of Amplivine
from Preliminary Notes for a Psycho-Spiritual Espionage: Unity Solutions 2021-2042
The preponderance of similar characteristics – physical, emotional, mental, psycho-spiritual – among homosexual and transsexual methamphetamine users observed in clinical settings leads us to the virtually indisputable conclusion that the reptilian hive-spirit occupying such unfortunates possesses (1) certain predictable psycho-sexual proclivities (cross-dressing, pedophilia, bestial urges, desire to kill, dismember and maim), and (2) a discrete, highly-organized, masterfully-synthesized Strategic Operational Plan (SOP) for achieving its species’ wildly nefarious (though widely misunderstood) strategic goals.
It is a ridiculous, though oft-cited claim that the reptilian wishes to achieve domination, or that reptilians themselves occupy positions of power and authority within our governmental, business, and other hierarchies. While it is true that many members of said hierarchies are susceptible to occupation by reptilians, it is imperative we not occlude the facts of the case by confusing occupation and possession. Importantly, it is the human part of the occupied social servant, business leader, Hollywood star etc. which lusts for power, material goods, and worldly domination. The reptilian living in the bowels of such a man wishes only to occupy, eat, lay eggs inside, and eventually destroy its host. Now, it is certainly true that endlessly grasping for power causes in the majority of cases certain psycho-spiritual symptoms, including a general auric weakness that makes politicians and celebrities particularly susceptible to occupation, egg-laying, etc. However it is equally true that, with appropriate psychological and spiritual conditioning, one can perform the duties required of social servants, celebrities and so forth while remaining impervious to reptilian occupation.
To return to our original purpose, it has been observed in multiple clinical experimental settings that among homosexual test subjects exposed to dangerously high levels of methamphetamine, pornography, and sexual stimulation, almost ninety percent report fantasizing about sexual relations with boy-children (most often non-consensual, i.e. child rape), sex with dogs, sex with family members (incest), condomless (bare-back) sex, cross-dressing and even murder. Test subject Charles reported never having had any such fantasies prior to methamphetamine exposure, and reported additionally being absolutely disgusted with himself after the drug had left his system. “It was like I was a different person, like someone else had the reins and I was just along for the ride,” he said in exit interviews. “It felt...good, yes, at the time, but almost like I was experiencing someone else’s pleasure [emphasis added]. And the worst part is, the fantasies haven’t gone away completely. It’s like some part of me changed forever, like I’ll never recover my innocence, my essence.” This subject, like so many others in our initial clinical trials, eventually came to commit suicide.
Test subjects under hypnosis, like Spencer, reported elaborate theological and ritual fantasies. “We will start a new religion,” Spencer said, squeezing his enormous, fully engorged penis and masturbating furiously. He went on to describe a sort of “hall of taboos,” a religious gathering place where participants would perform ritual sacrifice (again, typically involving children, beasts and immediate family members of the participants), necrophilia, hematophagy, coprophagia, cannibalism and other vibration-lowering, illness-inducing and death-obsessed practices. The parallels to early pagan religion and contemporary “Satanism” notwithstanding (and requiring a great deal of further research exceeding the purview of the present work), we must conclude from these results (of which Spencer’s testimony is just one among a shocking abundance of nearly identical responses) the presence of a sort of shadow-organization working behind the scenes, just around the corner from the immediately perceptible universe we occupy, furnishing in subtle and not-so-subtle ways a fertile infrastructure for the reptilian hive-mind to multiply on Earth.
Moreover it is via the subtle influence of the reptilian occupier (which, it is important to note, is merely a slightly-embodied consciousness-fragment of the hive-reptile whole, the entire species of which can be considered to be a vast, single multi-planetary and multi-dimensional organism) that test subjects are convinced of the fundamental unity between themselves and their bodies, i.e. the material reality within which they find themselves situated. The result of this fallacy – which we might term the embodiment fallacy (and which, again, we find referred to in various prophetic texts as Satanic, materialist, “evil,” etc.) -- is, of course, to rapidly increase the acceleration velocity of our species’ imminent (but by no means complete and total) demise.
Without methamphetamine, psycho-spiritual espionage of the kind proposed in the business plan for Unity Solutions (written by the present author in the year 2021 and published by REDACTED in the year REDACTED) would not be achievable, given the limitations of human psychic ability in the vast majority of even psychically adept specimens. Given the obvious challenges to the psychical and physical health of the user when exposed to reptilian occupation, however, a suitable alternative had to be deployed. The development of this alternative became Unity Solutions’ Project Number One. Working with a team of chemists at the University of REDACTED, we were able to develop the formula for AMPLIVINE®, the first methamphetamine cognate reptiles of all species are deathly allergic to. As is so often the case with matters of highly advanced technological innovation, we possessed not the slightest inkling of the far-reaching effects the (eventual mass-) production of AMPLIVINE® would produce on American culture at large, let alone globally. In the following chapter we will detour briefly into this topic before returning to the present narrative.