CategoryMisery Loves Company – October 16, 2020
The above video is an archive of the latest edition of the Misery Loves Company social reading series.
As I unload my bo staff and put on my goggles, I remind myself that, like the ancients, we’re here to preserve and uphold domestic harmony, albeit in a different way.
One Day We’ll Synthesize A Real Woman In A Lab
discovering the intended use of razor blades
The earthquake happened after we left.
Howdy Stranger, this is Howser
SwimmersEar69: one of us is in deep trouble
Hanging Upside Down
It was mid September when I saw Superman.
Open Mic
Jack Blakehood was old and ready to be done with all this horse shit.
How Having a Grotesquely Scarred Face Might Have Its Perks
Riding a bike along the Mühlendamm Bridge in Berlin looking for a quick lunch, a kielbasa or a bratwurst from a street vendor, I soon found a retaining wall upon which to quickly consume the meaty thing.
A Chuck E Cheese Night
The Chuck E Cheese stood next to a strip club, a gun shop, and a liquor store. God bless America.
Misery Loves Company – October 8, 2020
The above video is an archive of the latest edition of the Misery Loves Company social reading series.