Fiction & Poetry
CategoryI love your paradoxes and i’m connected on msn 4 u
I’m in a GCSE Physics practical, not long after the turn of the millennium.
Yankee Candle Impotence
I was depressed and one Saturday got drunk enough to drive to the Yankee Candle nestled in the strip mall on Grape Road.
Crash / Chartreuse / Vincent’s Limerick
There once was a fellow named Vincent
Who got tired of women that hints it
When I was 7 years old I tried to hang myself for the first time
The Service
“What I’m asking is,” Arnie Brandenburg says nervously, “how can this come back to bite me in the ass? Is the session recorded and stored? Is there any chance my wife might find out? See a charge or something?”
Demetri flipped his feeble legs over the edge of his bed. A chill surged through him as his soles touched the floor.
Misery Loves Company – January 29, 2021
The above video is an archive of the latest edition of the Misery Loves Company social reading series.
The Truce / The Stoning of the Clown
The air is fresh from the last rain.
Pill Box
hospital mortality rates stay the same or decline when hospital employees go on strike. did you know that?
I Went to Work at IKEA After Bobby Died at the Bowling Alley
I went to work at IKEA after Bobby died at the bowling alley.